2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Writing in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person Narratives!

1st person
I woke up at 6:20 today at the GLPS and had breakfast. Then, I got ready for the advisor time. I brushed my teeth, changed my cloth, and it was time to go. My advisor  class is in chung-mu-gwan, so I have to walk all the way down the hill, then go all the way up again for lunch. It is very hard for me to always do that but I think I'm actually losing wheight because of it. I learned history, writing, debate, and now I'm here writing on my blog!
2nd person
You woke up at 6:20 today at the GLPS and had breakfast. Then, you got ready for the advisor time. You brushed your teeth, changed your cloth, and it was time to go. Your advisor  class is in chung-mu-gwan, so you have to walk all the way down the hill, then go all the way up again for lunch. It is very hard for you to always do that but you think you'm actually losing wheight because of it. You learned history, writing, debate, and now you're here writing on your blog!
3rd person
He woke up at 6:20 today at the GLPS and had breakfast. Then, He got ready for the advisor time. He brushed my teeth, changed his cloth, and it was time to go. His advisor  class is in chung-mu-gwan, so he has to walk all the way down the hill, then go all the way up again for lunch. It is very hard for him to always do that but he think he is actually losing wheight because of it. He learned history, writing, debate, and now He is here writing on my blog!

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