2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Writing Chain - "success is..............." By Jaepil

Hello, my name is Jaepil and I am going to tell you about my writing chain.
Before I go into my actual writing chain, I will tell you about the writing chain.
Writing chain is an S.A. which you have to continue writing about somthing that other people in the front wrote it.
Here is the actual writing chain:
Success is what everybody wants. People want to succeed for a lot of reason. Some people want to be famous, some people wants a lot of money, they could even want to have family. To make your goal is easy, but how to success is the hard part. So, what is success? In my opinion, it is acheiving one's goal, for example, if you want a lot of money, you can buy a lotto and if you are lucky, you can become ultra-rich in a flash. Other ways to become rich is to work hard. If you work hard, day by day, you will earn a lot of money.
 If your goal is being famous, you can try to get a job like a president, or try to be a famous sport player. To become a famous person, you must try harder than now. Also, you shouldn't be a troubleamaker. It would be hard to win the election if you made a lot  of trouble when you were young. You can also do a lot of  bad things and be a famous criminal(You might not want to do that--;;)
 In conclusion, all people want to success and always have a hope for their life and most of them think that it is money. To earn money, people can buy lotto, but it is better to work hard. Also, success can be having good family, so family members should do their work to success

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