2011년 1월 4일 화요일


My few days at GLPS has been a fun experince. I had to work a lot but all of them were fun.
I had to wake up at 6:20 just to eat breakfast...... (If i don't I have to wait for about 5~10 minute just becaouse of the line)
So far, I didn't havr any homework or things to do in classroom nad THAT was good.
I am excited about what I will do next, but all of my schedule is full with debate, math, and writing.
What I am really excited for is skiing. I will be snowboarding this time!!!!!!!!!!!!

댓글 1개:

  1. Sure are a lot of Bruces here! It would be impossible to defeat them all! Keep up the good work and have fun skiing. And please delete the video game you have on the right. Video games are not allowed at GLPS. - Mr. Garrioch
