2011년 1월 24일 월요일


This is the S.A. about the Highrise and I researched specifically about Danna.
Highrise is a website that shows us the different views that people around world sees in their normal life.
So to make it not complicated, I can just say it is about how people lives around the world.
And Danna is the woman who lives in Chicago and I'm going to tell you about Donna's life compared to mine.

I'll start of with what Danna sees outside of her window
If she look outside of the window, she can see people demolishing the building that she used to live.
She lived their for a long time. She lived in 14 and 12floor, and her sister lived at 7th floor.
If she look outside the window, she can see her memories being demolished!!
It is such a harsh environment around her, she can get cancer from dust, and she might even die from the brick which is falling down from the buildindg.
since the 1990s, the Chicago's buildings have been demolishing because of the Cabrini-green
Wikipedia says "Cabrini–Green is a Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) public housing development on Chicago's Near North Side, bordered by Evergreen Avenue on the north, Orleans Street on the east, Chicago Avenue on the south, and Halsted Street on the west"
And since there were gang's voice getting louder and louder, they are demolishing the Highrise.

And I'll compare it to my life.
If I look out my window, I see a lot of highrise still standing straight, not getting demolished.
I can even see my house that I lived before(I moved to the apartment right beside us--;;)
Then, If I think of Donna's life and try to imagine my old house getting demolished......
I would be very sad and weird because I lived half of my life there and I can walk to the bathroom with my eyes closed.
She looked really upset in the picture.
I think I will be upset to if I look at my old house getting demoilshed.
Don't you agree with me?

And this is the second thing that she sees when she looks out of her window.
She looks out her window, then she sees gansters and random people shooting at each other
More surprising fact is that she got her first gunshot when she was 13years old!
She didn't know that she was shot and her friend told her that she was shot and she went to hospital.
That is the one of the reason why her old house is getting demolished.

And now, I'll compare
I.... was sooooo surprised at that fact.
Shooting at the person with no reason and that is the normal life?
I can't even imagine.
If I look out my window, I can rarely even find an elementry students fighting each other.

I think I am pretty lucky to born in  a place like this.
I'm felt that all the time I was doing this S.A. about the Highrise.

Thank you for reading my S.A. about Donna in the highrise.^^

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